
LessWrong team member / moderator. I've been a LessWrong organizer since 2011, with roughly equal focus on the cultural, practical and intellectual aspects of the community. My first project was creating the Secular Solstice and helping groups across the world run their own version of it. More recently I've been interested in improving my own epistemic standards and helping others to do so as well.


Feedbackloop-First Rationality
The Coordination Frontier
Privacy Practices
The LessWrong Review
Keep your beliefs cruxy and your frames explicit
LW Open Source Guide
Tensions in Truthseeking
Project Hufflepuff
Rational Ritual
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I maybe want to clarify: there will still be presentations at LessOnline, we're just trying to design the event such that they're clearly more of a secondary thing.


I do think being one syllable is pretty valuable. Although AI Org watch might be fine (kinda rolls off the tongue worse)


It implies that AI control is organizationally simpler, because most applications can be made trivially controlled.

I didn't get this from the premises fwiw. Are you saying it's trivial because "just don't use your AI to help you design AI" (seems organizationally hard to me), or did you have particular tricks in mind?


Uh I do think it's not obviously good (and, in fact, I'd lean bad) to be opensourced for this sort of thing.


I hadn't known Replika started out with this goal. Interesting.

It is especially pity that his digital twin lived less than his biological original, who died at 32

Not exactly the main point, but I'd probably clock this in terms of number of conversational inputs/outputs (across all users). Which might still imply "living less long"*, but less so than if you're just looking at wallclock time.

*also obviously an oldschool chatbot doesn't actually count as "living" in actually meaningful senses. I think modern LLMs might plausibly.


Yesterday I was at a "cultivating curiosity" workshop beta-test. One concept was "there are different mental postures you can adopt, that affect how easy it is not notice and cultivate curiosities."

It wasn't exactly the point of the workshop, but I ended up with several different "curiosity-postures", that were useful to try on while trying to lean into "curiosity" re: topics that I feel annoyed or frustrated or demoralized about.

The default stances I end up with when I Try To Do Curiosity On Purpose are something like:

1. Dutiful Curiosity (which is kinda fake, although capable of being dissociatedly autistic and noticing lots of details that exist and questions I could ask)

2. Performatively Friendly Curiosity (also kinda fake, but does shake me out of my default way of relating to things. In this, I imagine saying to whatever thing I'm bored/frustrated with "hullo!" and try to acknowledge it and and give it at least some chance of telling me things)

But some other stances to try on, that came up, were:

3. Curiosity like "a predator." "I wonder what that mouse is gonna do?"

4. Earnestly playful curiosity. "oh that [frustrating thing] is so neat, I wonder how it works! what's it gonna do next?"

5. Curiosity like "a lover". "What's it like to be that you? What do you want? How can I help us grow together?"

6. Curiosity like "a mother" or "father" (these feel slightly different to me, but each is treating [my relationship with a frustrating thing] like a small child who is bit scared, who I want to help, who I am generally more competent than but still want to respect the autonomy of."

7. Curiosity like "a competent but unemotional robot", who just algorithmically notices "okay what are all the object level things going on here, when I ignore my usual abstractions?"... and then "okay, what are some questions that seem notable?" and "what are my beliefs about how I can interact with this thing?" and "what can I learn about this thing that'd be useful for my goals?"


Wow the joke keeps being older.


That's actually not (that much of) a crux for me (who also thinks it's mildly manipulative, but, below the threshold where I feel compelled to push hard for changing it).



I do sure wish this question had easier answers, but I appreciate this post laying out a lot of the evidence.

I do have some qualms about the post, in that while it's pretty thorough on the evidence re: seed oils, it sort of handwavily assumes some other nutrition stuff about processed foods that (I'm willing to bet) also have highly mixed/confusing evidence bases. But, still thought the good parts of the post were good enough to be worth curating.

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