Wiki Contributions



I can see some arguments in your direction but would tentatively guess the opposite. 


(not a lawyer) 

My layman's understanding is that managerial employees are excluded from that ruling, unfortunately. Which I think applies to William_S if I read his comment correctly. (See Pg 11, in the "Excluded" section in the linked pdf in your link)


"This is more of a comment than a question" as they say


Yeah that's fair! I agree that they would lose the bet as stated.


Rebuttal here!

Anyway, if the message someone received from Hanson's writings on medicine was "yay Hanson", and Scott's response was "boo Hanson," then I agree people should wait for Hanson's rebuttal before being like "boo Hanson."

But if the message that people received was "medicine doesn't work" (and it appears that many people did), then Scott's writings should be an useful update, independent of whether Hanson's-writings-as-intended was actually trying to deliver that message.


People might appreciate this short (<3 minutes) video interviewing me about my April 1 startup, Open Asteroid Impact:



Alas I think doing this will be prohibitively expensive/technologically infeasible.  We did some BOTECs at the launch party and even just getting rid of leap seconds was too expensive for us.

That's one of many reasons why I'm trying to raise 7 trillion dollars.


Thanks for the pro-tip! I'm not much of a geologist, more of an ideas guy[1] myself. 

  1. ^

    "I can handle the business end"


Open Asteroid Impact strongly disagrees with this line of thinking. Our theory of change relies on many asteroids filled with precious minerals hitting earth, as mining in space (even LEO) is prohibitively expensive compared to on-ground mining.

While your claims may be true for small asteroids, we strongly believe that scale is all you need. Over time, sufficiently large, and sufficiently many, asteroids can solve the problem of specific asteroids not successfully impacting Earth.


rare earth metals? More like common space metals, amirite?

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